Source: Radio Onda d’Urto

Violent clashes between police and fascists (on the same side) and the anti-fascists in Rome, Saturday afternoon 5th November, during an anti-fascist mobilization organized in the Magliana neighborhood of Rome.
Antifascists of the city, including comrades of the social center Macchia Rossa, had gathered at 15.30 in the streets to protest against the demo of Forza Nuova (neo-fascist party) in the neighborhood, which was prohibited by the police, to claim anti-immigration policies (after the rise of racist citizens against refugees).
Also in the Magliana neighborhood, a few weeks ago, as well CasaPound (now a neo-fascist party, former social movement) opened an office, which is also looking to speculate on the economic crisis and the difficulties in the popular area of the capital with anti-immigration rhetoric.
The police aligned to protect the demo of Forza Nuova, shot tear gas to the anti-fascist demo, then charged the demo, that was not able to protect itself due to the brutal violence of the police, and started a real manhunt in the streets, riot cops and political police were searching the comrades in bars and shops too.
Around 30/40 comrades got in custody, 10 of them finally arrested. Meanwhile, some fascists irrupted in the social center.
In the same day in another city of Italy, Pavia, the police charged and injured antifascists who gathered with ANPI against a “fascist march” called by CasaPound to remember Emanuele Zilli, fascist activist who died in 1973.
Not only all the shades of left-wing of the city gathered against the fascists, but even the city’s mayor, Massimo DePaoli, attended to the protest.
Despite the position of the City Council, the police have align openly to protect the handful of fascists came to the city from other locations (especially from Milan, it seems) since the beginning. The march of the fascists went trought the streets in the city center.
In Florence a determined bloc has resisted the police charges, who wanted to prevent the demonstration. The Democratic Party gave a speech in favor of the positive result of the referendum and its policies, responsible for the current situation of precariousness and poverty in Italy, as well as the repression that all the movements and the people in this country, trying to raise their heads, are suffering.
It is unacceptable the fact of denying the right to demonstrate. It is unacceptable the destruction of the welfare state implemented by the Renzi Cabinet. It is unacceptable the dismantling of workers’ rights and the growing precariousness. The miserable condition that the Italian schools are, not to mention the pitiful school reform and the privatization of public health.
It is unacceptable that the masters of the Democratic Party militarize a city, to decide how to exploit millions of people.