S 12th: New attack to TAV working site in Chiomonte (Italy)

Source: Notav.info

On September 12th just after midnight a group of No TAV has brought a new attack on the construction site of the geognostic tunnel. Fireworks were thrown over fences. Another group of activists instead closed with chains and locks the gates to prevent the police to leave. From the first news coming we know that 9 No TAVs are stopped. We communicate now that they are all well and have now been released. After some initial entrainment and jerks, as for the eight arrested last Saturday, they were brought by the police inside the building site to be identified. From here on, however, came the first problems for “security workers”. After an initial joy to have completed another major operation some the figures don’t add up. This time the “arrested” are all over 60 (y/o) with some peaks that reach 80. Instead, young No TAVs Venaus awaiting news and wake up the parents and lawyers in the middle of the night. After some consultations, possibly involving the prosecutor’s office of Turin police have thus chosen to release all the detainees, although the action was identical to that which led to the arrest last Saturday of eight young No TAV. Too inconvenient politically the arrest of an elderly person? Or too uncomfortable to admit that even older people can do some nine kilometers of trails, cover theirselves, throwing what they want within the yard and be stopped just because of their own choosing not to flee? We will never know the truth but to both our questions we answer “yes”, it is inconvenient to show that in the Val di Susa everybody resists and that all the money, millions of Euros now, expended in security infrastructure (thousands of meters of fencing) and police are useless.

After tonight we can say for sure, everyone can participate in the resistance No TAV! To prevent a huge waste of public money. To prevent the devastation of an entire territory. To allocate this wealth or these efforts toward those who really need it. Useful infrastructure such as schools to safety hydrogeological to reach the tens of thousands of migrants who arrive every day with difficulty in Europe.

8 arrests in the night action against the TAV construction site (Italy)

Source: Notav.info


It’s a news of this morning: the 8 arrested in recent days will leave the prison this afternoon. Clearly, they will not be entirely free, between house arrests and mandatory residence, but will be out of those windows with bars that have already seen too many notav locked.

The magistrate Ambra Cerabon has apparently rejected the usual doped accusations of public prosecutor with the helmet, Marco Gianoglio and Antonio Rinaudo who were quick to insert various counts of indictment. Unlike other times, the investigating judge has not fully embraced the thesis of the prosecution that in recent years has made the use of preventive detention, a ritual well abused that has always found full cooperation in other magistrate.

We look forward to their release from prison and confirm the torchlight demo this evening at 20.30 in Bussoleno.

Last night a large group of No TAV tried to go closer the site of the Clarea Vally. During the initiative a police unit was able to split the group into two parts, one of which was no longer able to walk away. Those arrested are eight including one high school student in Turin, which was taken to the youth detention center in Turin. 4 others are university students from Turin, another comrade of the social center Askatasuna and two No Tav comrades from Bologna.
These arrests do not intimidate us and will not stop our struggle which is made up of many moments, including night initiatives and actions against the site that destroys and kills our land and the future of all.
Confirmed garrison in front of the Vallette prison (Turin).
By Wednesday evening we will organize a torchlight demo of solidarity in Bussoleno town.

No TAV: barricate, scontri e molto coraggio [it, en]

Fonte/Source: Notav.info

Basta guardare gli occhi di chi c’era stanotte per capire cos’è che può fare la differenza di questi tempi.

Sapere come ci si sente a marciare al buio, in un silenzio irreale dove al rumore dei passi e degli zaini che scricchiolano si aggiungono solo i canti degli animali della natura, che continuano le loro attività nonostante il nostro passaggio.

Sentire il cuore che batte un po’ più forte, quando si cammina stretti, con la mano che cerca l’umida pietra per non avvicinarsi troppo al dirupo, attenti a chi sta davanti e a chi c’è dietro…per non perdersi neanche un istante, per rinnovare ad ogni passo il coraggio consapevoli che ogni metro ci avvicina a chi ci è nemico.

Chi non c’è, e i giornali non lo racconteranno, non può sapere dei piccoli gesti di solidarietà che in questi momenti fanno la differenza, di come ognuno mette a disposizione ciò che ha e ciò che può fare per essere d’aiuto, che si tratti del prestare un accendino, di aiutare a spostare un grosso tronco o di allungare un po’ di Maalox a chi retrocede dalle prime vie.

E poi c’è chi sta davanti, i nostri coraggiosi armati di un grande cuore e non solo di buone gambe.

Quella passata è stata una grande notte notte in Val di Susa.

In centinaia, dalla valle e da tutta Italia, ci si è ritrovati per questa intensa estate di lotta e per una passeggiata notturna che si sapeva determinata.

Tra blocchi, battiture, azioni di disturbo e l’iniziativa di stanotte in quest’estate di lotta il Movimento No Tav ha dato un buon segnale a tutti quei politicanti e affaristi che si riempiono la bocca con una parola che in questa valle non è di casa: pacificazione.

Come non sarà mai accettabile che a fronte di enormi disastri ambientali e una situazione di crisi che continua ad affaticare le vite di molti, avvenga un tale sperpero di denaro pubblico.

Uno schiaffo in faccia a chi rimane senza lavoro, a chi perde la casa, a chi non riesce a pagarsi le bollette, a chi per avere adeguate cure sanitarie deve aspettare troppi mesi, ai nostri figli che vanno a studiare in scuole fatiscenti.

In questi decenni di lotta generazioni di giovani sono cresciuti tra i presidi e i cortei No Tav, in tutta Italia la nostra lotta è diventata un simbolo di speranza e ogni anno da tutto il paese e dall’Europa sono tantissimi a passare di qua, per conoscere questa storia di Resistenza e dare il proprio contributo.

L’arroganza della politica e la violenza delle istituzioni si legittimano tra di loro, nel tentativo mal riuscito in tutti questi anni di piegare la nostra volontà a suon di militarizzazione del territorio, minacce, ricatti, denunce, processi e galera. Sicuramente l’hanno messa alla prova, ma essa è più forte di quanto forse anche alcuni di noi potessero immaginare.

Notti come quella appena passata dimostrano che, nonostante le difficoltà e queste nessuno le nega, la speranza di cambiare le cose e di decidere del nostro futuro continua ad essere più forte di ogni loro violenza.

Anche stanotte i nostri sentieri ci hanno aperto la via per arrivare al cantiere e il resto l’ha fatto il nostro coraggio, solido come le alte barricate che al buio abbiamo costruito per contrastare l’avanzata del nemico.

Avanti No Tav, la Resistenza si fa un passo alla volta!

Just look at the eyes of those who were there tonight to figure out what is it that can make the difference of these times.

Know how it feels to walk in the dark, in an eerie silence where the sound of footsteps and creaking backpacks are added to only the songs of the animals of nature, who continue their activities despite our passage.

Feel your heart beating a little stronger when you walk close, with the hand that seeks damp stone to not get too close to the cliff, conscious of who has front and who is behind… not to miss even a moment, to renew every step the brave aware that every inch brings us closer to who is our enemy.

Who is not there, and the newspapers do not tell, can not know the small gestures of solidarity in these moments that make the difference, how each provides what it has and what it can do to help, that is traits lend a lighter, helping to move a large log or to stretch a bit of Maalox who recedes from the first routes.

And then there’s those in front, our brave armed with a big heart and not only of good legs.

That last night was a great night in Val di Susa.

Hundreds, from the valley and all over Italy, there has been found for this summer of intense fighting and for a night walk you knew determined.

Between blocks, beatings, harassment and the initiative tonight in this summer of the No Tav movement it gave a good signal to all those politicians and businessmen who fill their mouths with a word that is not in this valley it’s not our: pacification.

As it will never be acceptable in the face of huge environmental disasters and a crisis that continues to strain the lives of many; let such a waste of public money.

A slap in the face to those who are without job, to those who lose the house, to those who can not pay their bills, for those who have adequate health care should not expect too many months, our children who go to study in crumbling schools.

In these decades of struggle generations of young people have grown up between the principals and the No Tav marches, throughout Italy our struggle has become a symbol of hope and every year from all over the country and Europe are so many to go from here, to know this history of resistance and contribute.

The arrogance of the political violence of the institutions legitimize each other, in the unsuccessful attempt in the years to bend our will to the sound of the militarization of the territory, threats, blackmail, charges, processes and jail. Surely they tested, but it is stronger than perhaps some of us could imagine.

Nights like the one just past shows that, despite the difficulties and these no one denies, the hope to change things and to decide our future continues to be stronger than all their violence.

Even tonight, our paths have opened the way to get to the construction site and the brave didthe rest, solid as the high barricades in the dark we built to counter the advance of the enemy.

No Tav, the Resistance takes one step at a time!