No Borders – demonstration in Brenner (Italy / Austria) 7.5.2016

On Saturday 7th of May, a demonstration started around 2pm in Brenner, a small town in Italy on the border with Austria. There has been clashes between demonstrators and Italian police.

Around 500 (five h) people tried to reach the border between Italy and Austria. The demo was called to protest against the initiative of Vienna to built a built walls and fences and introduce more patrols on the border.

The protesters advanced on the railway tracks, on the highway and on the federal road, which are the three access routes to Austria.

While the protesters advanced towards the north, around 500 (five h) riot cops tried for many hours to reject with charges, throwing tear gas and, finally, using a fire hose.

Hundreds of deplyed Austrian riot cops observed across the border. A helicopter of the Austrian police patroled the area.

Around 5.30pm, the protesters were dispersed into several groups: some made their way over the mountains and through the woods that surround the gorge where is the pass. Many others have backed away at the edges of the road and have taken off clothes to protect anonymity. Dozens of them were stopped. Cops feared that they can regroup.

Till now there is 6 comrades arrested: Cristian, Luca, Miriam, Stefano, Sabrina and Nemo. Freedom for them now!

The demo was part of a transnational campaign of No Borders groups that claims the closure of detention centers with their inherent violence and abusive system of detention of migrants. See (mostly in Italian) abbatterelefrontiere blogspot

Update 9.5:
1 year with suspended sentence for Miriam;
1 year and 2 months with suspended suspended for Stefano and Cristian;
1 year and 4 months with suspended suspended for Luca;
1 year and 4 months without suspended probation with prohibition of residence from Bolzano to Sabrina and Nemo;
All free tonight!

Saboteurs of the fences at the border of the Balkans [en, it]

Source: Rabble, Hurriya

As razorwire fences are being erected across Europe, migrants and comrades are taking action to bring them down.

In the latest incidents, comrades have attacked the Croatian-Slovenian border. Accounts gathered from the mainstream media.

‘They look like your neighbours, ordinary people and students who in no way seem different. But, only during the day. When night comes, they dress in black, pull balaclavas over their heads with slits for the eyes and put gloves on their hands. They take scissors for wires and go into the night, towards the Slovenian border. With a bit of luck, they return with a thick roll of razor-wire fence and publish the photos of their trophies on the Facebook page of a group which brings together anonymous wire cutters. The initiative started in Croatia, in Istria, and soon spread throughout the whole Croatian border area. After one of the raids in Hrvatsko Zagorje, the idea crossed the border, reports Jutarnji List on December 31, 2015.

Protesters on both sides of the border started peacefully, decorating the razor fence with Christmas ornaments, playing volleyball over it, hanging banners with various messages. Slovenian composer Matija Krečič even performed a “Christmas Morning” concert next to the fence in Bela Krajina region with three violins and a cello, but all these ideas had little effect. However, then a guerrilla initiative was started. As soon as the fence appeared near Matulji, local residents started cutting it and posting photos of souvenirs.

A team which recently started doing similar raids near Zagreb includes a member of the Workers’ Front, a radical left-wing organization which campaigns against the “dictatorship of capitalism and party oligarchies”. He recommends that anyone who wishes to participate in the raids should find a field with stretched wire fence, and go there at night in a group of three people, “with two cutting and one driving”.

“After fifteen minutes, the driver picks up those who were doing the cutting. The wire is very dangerous, so you have to use those thick heavy-duty gloves. But, at least the wire will not be able to hurt anyone else or prevent somebody’s movements”, says the anonymous razor-wire cutter on the Facebook page which brings together supporters with a slogan: “Let’s cut the wire! The initiative for the self-organized removal of wires on the borders which divide people, kill animals and take us back to the Dark Ages of European history.”‘

All of the Slovenian activists came there from the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. “This is our fourth intervention. The sound of pliers cutting the wire relieves me of stress. I would recommend it to all who feel stressed”, said a young man dressed in black. On his head there was a GoPro camera attached. Clearly, the video will end up on the internet.

“After the activists came to the wire, they started cutting it. The razor wire is very dangerous. It can catch clothes and make small cuts on the hands. When animals get stuck there, they are doomed (note from rabble: many deer have apparently been killed after getting caught up in the wire). Activists helped each other to get out if someone got stuck in the razor blades.”


IT: Sabotatori delle recinzioni alla frontiera dei Balcani

I manifestanti su entrambi i lati del confine hanno iniziato pacificamente, decorando la recinzione con addobbi natalizi, giocando a pallavolo, appendendo striscioni con vari messaggi. Il compositore sloveno Matija Krecic ha anche eseguito un concerto “Christmas Morning” (con tre violini e un violoncello) accanto alla recinzione nella regione di Bela Krajina, ma tutte queste iniziative hanno avuto scarso effetto. A questo punto si è passati ad un azione diretta: non appena giunti in prossimità della recinzione di Matulji, i residenti hanno iniziato il taglio delle reti e la pubblicazione di foto souvenir.

Il gruppo che ha recentemente iniziato a fare incursioni simili nei pressi di Zagabria comprende un membro del Fronte dei lavoratori, un’organizzazione di sinistra radicale, che si batte contro la “dittatura del capitalismo e delle oligarchie di partito”. Lui raccomanda a chiunque desideri partecipare alle incursioni di individuare un campo recintato dal filo spinato, e ritornarci di notte con un gruppo di tre persone “, due che tagliano e un guidatore”.

“Dopo un quarto d’ora, il conducente raccoglie coloro che stavano tagliando. Il filo è molto pericoloso e bisogna pertanto utilizzare guanti spessi e pesanti. Ma almeno il filo non sarà in grado di ferire qualcun altro o impedire movimenti di qualcuno”, dice il tagliatore di filo spinato anonimo sulla pagina di Facebook che riunisce i tifosi con uno slogan: Tagliamo il filo! Iniziativa per la rimozione auto-organizzata delle recinzioni sui confini che dividono le persone, uccidono gli animali e ci portano indietro ai secoli bui della storia europea.”

Tutti gli attivisti sloveni sono andati lì dalla capitale slovena Lubiana: “Questa è la nostra quarta azione diretta. Il suono delle pinze che tagliano il filo mi allevia lo stress. Lo consiglio a tutti coloro che si sentono stressati” ha detto un giovane vestito di nero. Sulla sua testa c’era una telecamera GoPro collegata. Chiaramente, il video finirà su internet.

“Dopo che gli attivisti sono arrivati alle recinzioni, hanno iniziato a tagliare il filo spinato che è molto pericoloso. Si può rimanere impigliati con i vestiti e farsi dei tagli sulle mani. Quando gli animali vengono bloccati lì, sono condannati (nota di rabble: molti cervi sono stati uccisi dopo essersi impigliati nel filo spianto). Gli attivisti si aiutavano a vicenda per districarsi se qualcuno rimaneva bloccato nel filo spinato”

6 arrests in Turin for the march against racist party’s leader

Source: Infoaut

Yesterday in the late morning a police operation kicked off in Turin, leading to the arrest of 6 comrades of the Askatasuna social centre. The charges refer to the march last March 28 during the speech by Northern League secretary Matteo Salvini. In those months that fascist-leagueist character was crossing the squares of several Italian cities, attempting to rally consensus around racist and xenophobic discourses, which were functional to maintain his own privileges of politician and to address discontent to the bottom rather than against the true responsibles.

In Turin, as it happened in many other cities with the #MaiConSalvini [Never with Salvini, a play of words on the opposite #NoiConSalvini – us with Salvini – slogan (TN)] slogan, a city march in order to reject the presence of Salvini and his leagueist and neofascist entourage was called in the week before the speech. The demonstration of students, precarious workers and migrants was violently charged a few meters after its start while it was trying to reach piazza Solferino, the place of the speech. During the charge 8 people were detained and then released in the evening with charges without arrest – with the exception of Daniele, a young antifascist Turinese student, that was brought to jail and then moved to house arrests for some months.

Five months after that day, further arrests decided together by the Police Department and the Judiciary arrive: two comrades – Francesca and Donato – were brought to the Vallette jail, while 4 others – Mattia, Damiano, Nicola and Luca – are under house arrests with restrictions on visits and communication. While, precisely in these days, the debate among European governments is divided between the explicit racism of some of them and the opportunist offers of “shelter” of others, in Turin were hit those who, in these months, were determined to oppose and take away spaces and visibility to people such as Matteo Salvini, who build their image and career thanks to securitarian and racist rethorics.

The thieving League Turin won’t forgive!

Immediate freedom for Cecca, Donato, Mattia, Damiano, Luca and Nicola!

Tutti liberi, tutte libere!

Repression and borders: they will never stop us! [it, eng]

Source: Presidio No Borders Ventimiglia – No Borders Oversee Ventimiglia


Sono trascorse le 24 ore e Andrea non è ancora stato rilasciato. Sappiamo che in questo momento si trova a Nizza ma ancora non abbiamo notizie della sua condizione legale. Siamo in contatto continuo da ore con gli avvocati che cercano con difficoltà di fare chiarezza sulla situazione.

24 hours passed and Andrea hasn’t been released yet.
We know he’s been transfered to Nizza, but we have no recent news of his legal condition. From hours we are in continuos contact with the lawyers who are hardly trying to understand the situation.

24 heures sont passées et Andrea n’a toujours pas été relaché. Nous savons qu’en ce moment meme il se trouve à Nice, mais nous n’avons pas encore de nouvelles sur ce qu’il risque. Depuis deux heures nous sommes en contact continu avec ses avocats qui tentent de comprendre la situation.

h.16:30 i tre compagni trattenuti negli uffici della PAF vengono rilasciati dopo piu di 4 ore.
Andrea invece si trova ancora garde à vue; seguiranno aggiornamenti!

h.16:30 les trois camarades qui ont été enfermées ou commissariat de la PAF ont été relachées après plus de 4 heures d’identification.
Andrea est encore en garde à vue, plus d’infos à venir.

h.16:30 the 3 comrades who were arrested and kept in the border police station have been released after more than 4 hours to check their identity.
Andrea instead is still retained in “garde à vue”, updates soon!

La repressione continua al presidio di Ventimiglia.
Ieri sera, Pasquale, attivista No Borders presente al confine sin dal primissimo giorno, è stato fermato sulla strada per Ventimiglia appena fuori dal campo dalle forze dell’ordine e invitato a recarsi in commissariato. Lì gli è stato notificato un foglio di via in cui gli viene contestata l’occupazione al presidio e la partecipazione alla manifestazione non autorizzata di sabato 22 agosto.
La misura adottata, risulta oltremodo grave e incomprensibile, Pasquale infatti vive in un paese limitrofo (Dolceacqua) e non può fare a meno di passare da Ventimiglia per svolgere le sue attività quotidiane.
Insieme a lui è stato fermato e portato in commissariato anche una altro attivista, arrivato al presidio ieri stesso. Dopo essere stato tenuto per più di quattro ore negli uffici della polizia, dopo essere stato minacciato di espulsione ha rifiutato di dare le impronte digitali e foto segnaletiche e per tutto ciò è stata aperta un’ indagine per resistenza a pubblico ufficiale a suo carico.

La stretta repressiva viene usata in maniera totalmente strumentale per attaccare il presidio e intimidire le volontà e la vita degli occupanti, in quanto espressione di una nuova sperimentazione di autorganizzazione.
Con questo comunicato vogliamo richiamare l’attenzione su tutti gli atti di repressione che stanno colpendo il campo in queste settimane. Ultimo tra questi l’abuso subito ieri mattina da due compagne, fermate durante una delle attività di monitoraggio alla stazione di Menton e trattenute dalla PAF (police aux frontiers) per 3 ore in frontiera assieme ai migranti rastrellati sul treno.

Dopo il brutale arresto di Fouad la notte del 23 agosto, dopo i sei fogli di via consegnati ai compagni/e la notte dell’11 Agosto e il pestaggio da parte della Police Nationale francese e della BAC (Brigade Anti-Criminalité), la stessa notte, di un compagno francese, fermato insieme ad altri due attivisti, affianco ai continui e massicci respingimenti di migranti che la polizia francese e italiana operano ogni giorno, contrastandosi e contraddicendosi continuamente.
Possiamo oggi osservare che almeno su un punto i loro interessi si congiungono: reprimere quelle persone che hanno deciso di fare uscire dall’invisibilità il movimento per la libertà che i migranti portano qui e nel resto d’Europa. In realtà, questa modalità di controllo dei movimenti migranti, della quale assistenzialismo e militarizzazione si nutrono, si ritrova ovunque. Dai lager che l’Europa costruisce in Magreb ai recenti rinforzi militari a Calais, passando per i molteplici sgomberi avvenuti a Parigi durante l’estate. La repressione continua laddove organismi parastatali come la Croce Rossa o France Terre d’Asile non riescono a far tacere la voce dei migranti in lotta per la dignità in ogni luogo che attraversano.

A tutta la repressione che viene e verrà dal potere poliziesco e istituzionale, le relazioni che qui si sono costruite e intrecciate continueranno ad attaccare e indebolire la loro pretesa di controllare e gestire i flussi migratori.
Pensano forse di fiaccarci con la loro repressione costante?
Credono davvero di poter fermare chi ogni giorno questi confini li oltrepassa?
Davanti a tutte le persone che la fortezza Europea assassina quotidianamente nel mediterraneo e sulle sue autostrade opponiamo una sete di libertà incontrollabile.
Non saranno certo vecchi e nuovi dispositivi di repressione a fermare questo viaggio. Ci allontanate da qui, ci troverete ovunque, nelle strade e nelle città pronti a far rinascere la lotta contro ogni confine.
Il contrattacco sarà la nostra pratica quotidiana.

Every cop is a border!
We are not going back!

Presidio Permanente No Borders Ventimiglia

Repression goes on at the Ventimiglia No Borders Camp.
Yesterday night Pasquale, one of the no border activists present at camp from the first days, was stopped just outside the camp from the italian police, which took him to the local station. He was expelled from Ventimiglia municipality for the occupation of the place and for his participation to the 22 of august unauthorized demonstration.
The measure adopted are worrying and unfounded. As a matter of fact Pasquale leaves in a nearby town (Dolceacqua), therefore he phisically needs to pass by Ventimiglia in order to carry on his daily acivities.
Together with him another activist, who arrived just yestrerday, was stopped and taken to the police station. After he has been kept for more than 24 hours inside the station, he has been threathend of expulsion from Italy and after he refused to leave fingerprints and photo identification a file for resistance to public officer was opened against him.

This enhanced pressure forces are used in a totally instrumental way with the aim of attacking the no border camp and intimidatimg the will and life of occupants, because of its power being a new form of self-organization. Through this press release we want to call the public attention on the repressive practices perpetrated against the camp in these weeks: last one being to the demage of two comrades who yesterday were stopped at the Menton train station while doing monitoring activity, and were brought by the PAF to the border police station, where they were forced to remain for three hours, together with the immigrants stopped on the train.

Both Italian and French police have been using repressive measures in the last weeks: Fouad arrest on the night of 23rd Agoust, six expulsion orders emitted on the night of 11th August together with the harassment of one comrade by part of of the BAC (Brigade Anti-Criminalité) police, together with the constant and and massive stopping and sending back police operations that both Italy and France carry on in absurd net of legal and burocratic contraddictions. It is clear that their interest converges in one specific point: to stop those people who decided to make evidentand shed a light on migrants movement for freedom across Europe. This kind of control, nourished by militarization and institionalized and racist charity, are to be found at every European border: from the European lagers in Magreb to the military reinforcement in Calais, to the several evictions carried on in Paris. This kinds of scenarios opens up in all those sposts where connivence between organizations like Red Cross or France Terre d’Asile and governaments do not succeed in covering the voices of migrants who are fighting for dignity in every and each country they are crossing.
Do they really think to stop us because of intimidation and repression?
Do they really think this is going to stop the power of an authentic fight for freedom?

Our answer to the daily killing of people in the Mediterrenean and on the streets of the European Fortress is an uncontrollable thirst for freedom.
Neither new nor old repression devices will ever stop this jouney. Those who are forced to leave from here are to be found again everywhere, on the streets and in the cities to make the fight against border go on.
Our strategy will be our daily and diffused actions and practices.

Every cop is a border!
We are not going back!

Presidio Permanente No Borders Ventimiglia