13 anti-fascists sentenced to prison – We’ll take the hit together (Stockholm)

Source: Antifascist action Stockholm, Sweden

Sentenc of 13 anti fascists participating in the protests against the now defunct Swede’s Party in September 2014.

Most of the sentences handed out is relating to participation in a riot, an event the prosecution claimed to be two separate ones as, according to them, the situation calmed down between the disturbances. This allows them to prosecute twice for the same accusation and therefore plead for longer sentences and steeper fines.

About 12 000 people found themselves in Kungsträdgården, central of Stockholm, during the protest two weeks before the Swedish Election. When the Police made attempts to disperse the crowd by spraying pepper spray and attacking protesters with truncheons, many decided to stay put and push back the attempts. Amongst the thousands of anti-racists in the area, a great number participated in one way or another in what the court claims to be riots. Out of these people, 15 were prosecuted and 13 sentenced to prison time.

By the preliminary investigation, it is clear that the Swedish Secret Police (SÄPO) has provided information on who, according to them, is an active anti-fascist. SÄPO cooperating with the prosecution in pinpointing a small number of people out of a very big mass can not be seen as anything else than a political stance. They seized the opportunity to lock up and guilt anti-fascists inconvenient to them, even though a large number of people participated in the protests in the same way as the sentenced.

Eight people were given 4 months of prison, two got 10 months and the remaining three were sentenced to 3, 8 and 18 months each. Two people were acquitted. On top of the prison time, the sentenced will also have to pay a large amount of fines to officers who, although being covered head to toe in protective gear, claims to have gained multiple injuries whilst attacking the crowd with the said intention of dispersing it. The total amount of fines adds up to about €38 000/£27 000, although it is currently not clear whether appeals will be made from either sides.

A notable coincidence is that the day of the sentencing, the 17th of November 2015, marks the 100th anniversary of Joe Hill’s execution. Then, as now, progressive class struggle was coupled with risk of tougher sentences if you were active and organised in working towards radical change. Then, as now, the solution was never to mourn when repression hit us, but to organise resistance and solidarity. We cannot equally share the prison time given out, but we can do so with the fines. That is why we yet again are launching a solidarity fund and encourage everyone to reach in to their pockets according to means.

To donate from a non-swedish bank account:
IBAN: SE0680000832799438650120
Bic: SWEDSESS Mark your donation with “BOTER”


Reclaim The Cape – action week (22.4 – 1.5.2016) [en, fi, se, it]

Source: Fennovoima NO

In the end of April 2016 it will be a year since Fennovoima started to prepare areas of Hanhikivi cape for the new nuclear power plant construction in Northern Finland. At the same time the protest camp against Fennovoima celebrates its first anniversary. The camp was able to stay inside the construction area over five months and was able to slow down the construction works. During the summer, dozens of blockades took place and newspapers wrote about various sabotages. In September, after the eviction that lasted eight days, the camp moved outside the construction site to continue its activities with help of local supporters. Blockades and other activity against nuclear power did not stop at any point.

In the end of April we are going to return to the construction site. The aim is to paralyze the whole construction site, for a long time. With a big enough group we can reoccupy the area and stay there. We don’t only want to occupy the area back but also fill the surrounding areas with activities against Fennovoima, nuclear power, destruction of nature and capitalism, and by respecting the plurality of tactics.

Come and join us to make this possible. Come to share your knowhow in a workshop or to learn from the more experienced, and start your summer with numerous comrades in the middle of nature just awaking for the spring.

The event starts on Friday 22 April with a party continuing over the weekend. The following week will be filled with action and workshops, sharing knowledge and knowhow, getting to know new comrades along with action. On Tuesday 26 April it will be thirty years from Chernobyl accident – symbolically perfect moment to stop a new nuclear project. On Chernobyl Day various organizations will carry out their protests and we will also do our part. The event will climax next weekend to the First of May when the aim is to organize an all-time riotous First of May party of Northern Finland. In the nearby cities marches for First of May are also organize and we can join them too.

You can read about our activities and follow the planning of the event at

If and when you decide to join us, send us an email. Please let us know if you are also interested in organizing a workshop or other activities.
stopfennovoima [at] protonmail.com

Printable flyers can be found here (click).

Huhtikuun lopussa 2016 tulee kuluneeksi tasan vuosi siitä, kun Fennovoima aloitti uuden ydinvoimala-alueen valmistelutyöt Hanhikivenniemellä Pohjois-Suomessa. Samaan aikaan juhlii Fennovoiman vastainen protestileiri yksivuotispäiviään. Leiri onnistui pysymään työmaa-alueen sisäpuolella yli viisi kuukautta ja onnistui todella viivästyttämään rakennustöitä. Alueella oli kesän aikana kymmeniä blokkauksia ja lehdet kirjoittivat lukuisista sabotaaseista. Syyskuussa tapahtuneen, kahdeksan päivää kestäneen häädön jälkeen leiri siirtyi työmaa-alueen ulkopuolelle jatkamaan toimintaansa paikallisten tukijoiden vahvalla avustuksella. Blokkaukset ja muu toiminta ydinvoimaa vastaan ei loppunut missään vaiheessa.

Huhtikuun lopulla aiomme palata joukolla työmaalle. Tarkoituksena lamauttaa työmaa kokonaan, pitkäksi aikaa. Tarpeeksi suurella joukolla voimme ottaa alue haltuumme ja pysyä alueella. Haluamme vallata alueen takaisin, mutta myös täyttää koko lähiseudun Fennovoiman, ydinvoiman-, ympäristön tuhoamisen- ja kapitalisminvastaisella toiminnalla, taktiikoiden monimuotoisuutta kunnioittaen.

Tule mukaan tekemään tämä mahdolliseksi, tule jakamaan taitosi työpajassa tai oppimaan kokeneemmilta, viettämään mahtava kesän aloitus lukuisten tovereiden kanssa juuri heräämässä olevan luonnon keskelle.

Tapahtuma alkaa perjantaina 22.4. viikonlopun kestävillä juhlilla, ja juhlien jälkeinen viikko täytetään toiminnalla ja työpajoilla, taitojen ja tietojen jakamisella ja uusiin tovereihin tutustumisella toiminnan ohessa. Tiistai 26.4 on Tšernobylin 30-vuotispäivä – symbolisesti täydellinen hetki pysäyttää uusi ydinvoimalahanke. Tšernobyl-päivänä useat järjestöt tulevat tekemään omat protestinsa ydinvoimaa vastaan ja me aiomme myös tehdä osamme. Tapahtuma huipentuu seuraavana viikonloppuna vappuun, jolloin tavoitteena on järjestää kautta aikain Pohjois-Suomen riehakkaimmat vappujuhlat. Lähikaupungeissa järjestetään myös vappumarsseja, joihin voimme osallistua.

Voit tutustua toimintaamme ja seurata tapahtuman suunnittelun etenemistä osoitteessa

Kun päätät osallistua tapahtumaan tai jos olet kiinnostunut järjestämään työpajaa tai organisoimaan muuta toimintaa ota yhteyttä sähköpostilla
stopfennovoima [at] protonmail.com

Tulostettavat flyerit löytyvät suomeksitäältä

I slutet av April 2016 kommer det att ha gått ett år sedan Fennovoima började förbereda områdena på Hanhikiviudden för det nya kärnkraftverksbygget i Norra Finland. Samtidigt firar protestlägret mot Fennovoima sin första årsdag.
Lägret stannade i byggnadsområdet för över fem månader och bromsade byggnadsarbetena.
Under sommaren skedde tiotals blockader och nyhetstidningar skrev om olika sabotage. I september, efter vräkningen som varade åtta dagar, flyttade lägret utanför byggnadsområdet för att fortsätta aktiviteterna med hjälp av lokalt stöd. Blockader eller andra aktiviteter mot kärnkraft stannade aldrig av.

I slutet av april kommer vi att återvända till byggnadsområdet. Målet är att paralysera hela området, för en lång tid. Med en tillräckligt stor grupp kan vi återta platsen och stanna där. Vi vill inte bara ockupera området, utan också fylla omgivande områden med aktiviteter mot Fennovoima, kärnkraft, kapitalism, förstöringen av naturen och genom att respektera mångfaldiga taktiker.

Kom med och gör det här möjligt. Kom och dela med dig av ditt kunnande i en verkstad eller för att lära dig från de mer erfarna, och börja din sommar med många vänner mitt i vårens uppvaknande av naturen.

Evenemanget börjar fredagen den 22 april med en fest som fortsätter över helgen. Den kommande veckan kommer att vara fylld med aktioner och verkstäder, delning av kunskap och kompetens, lära känna nya kamrater genom handling.
På tisdagen den 26 april kommer det att vara trettio år sedan Tjernobylolyckan – symboliskt perfekt tidpunkt för att stoppa ett nytt kärnkraftsprojekt. På Tjernobyldagen kommer flera olika organisationer protestera och vi kommer också att göra vår del. Evenemanget kommer att nå höjdpunkten under helgen, för första maj, när målet är att organisera en alla tiders upplopps första maj fest i norra Finland. I de närbelägna städerna organiseras marscher för första maj som vi också kan delta i.

Du kan läsa om våra aktiviter och följa planeringen av evenemanget på fennovoima.no.com

Om och när du bestämmer dig för att komma med, skicka ett mejl. Vänligen meddela oss om du är intresserad av att organisera en verkstad eller andra aktiviteter.
stopfennovoima [at] protonmail.com

Utskrivningsbara flygblad kan bli hittade här på engelska

Nell’Aprile del 2016 sarà un anno da quando Fennovoima ha cominciato a preparare l’area del Capo di Hanhikivi per la costruzione di una nuova centrale nucleare nel nord della Finlandia. Allo stesso tempo, il campo di protesta contro Fennovoima festeggia il suo primo anniversario. Il campo è stato in grado di rimanere all’interno della zona di costruzione più di cinque mesi ed è stato in grado di rallentare i lavori. Durante l’estate, decine di blocchi hanno avuto luogo e giornali hanno scritto di vari sabotaggi. Nel mese di settembre, dopo lo sgombero che é durato otto giorni, il campo si é spostato all’esterno del cantiere per proseguire l’attività con l’aiuto di sostenitori locali. Blocchi e altre attività contro l’energia nucleare non si sono fermati mai.

Alla fine di Aprile torneremo al cantiere. L’obiettivo è di paralizzare l’intero cantiere, per lungo tempo. Con un gruppo abbastanza grande possiamo rioccupare la zona e rimanere lì. Noi non vogliamo solo occupare la zona posteriore, ma anche riempire le zone circostanti con attività contro Fennovoima, l’energia nucleare, il capitalismo, la distruzione della natura, e rispettando la pluralità di tattiche.

Vieni e unisciti a noi per rendere questo possibile. Vieni a condividere il tuo know-how in un workshop o ad imparare dai più esperti, con numerosi compagni/e in mezzo alla natura che si sta risvegliando per la primavera.

L’evento inizia Venerdì 22 Aprile con una festa durantente tutto il week-end. La settimana successiva sarà pieno di azione e di worshops, la condivisione delle conoscenze e know-how, possibilitá di conoscere nuovi compagni/e organizzati insieme. Martedì 26 saranno trenta anni da Chernobyl’ – momento simbolicamente perfetto per fermare un nuovo progetto nucleare. Durante il Chernobyl’ Day diverse organizzazioni protesteranno e anche noi faremo la nostra parte. L’evento culmine sará nel week-end successivo, il Primo Maggio, quindi l’obiettivo è quello di organizzare la piú radicale festa del Primo Maggio della Finlandia settentrionale. Nelle vicine città, per il Primo Maggio sono organizzati dei cortei a cui possiamo unirci.

Potete leggere circa le nostre attività e seguire la pianificazione della manifestazione al sito: fennovoima.no.com

Se e quando ti decidi di unirti a noi, inviaci una e-mail. Facci sapere se sei interessato ad organizzare un workshop o altre attività anche.
stopfennovoima [at] protonmail.com

Per avere informazioni in italiano, capire come arrivare, etc. scrivi a solidareco @ inventati.org

Flyer da stampare in inglese

AFA Stockholm: Joel is doing the time – We will pay his fine!

Source: Antifascistisk Aktion

Joel was one of the antifascists who chose to defend the anti-racist demonstration in Kärrtorp when it was attacked by fascists. He acted in self-defense but was sentenced to a 5,5 year long imprisonment in Svea Court for attempted manslaughter.

Today Joel is active within Fånggruppen and tries to make the best of the situation by building a network with other political prisoners and spread knowledge about prison struggle and solidarity work even to us who still have our freedom intact. The work he performs is important, but he will never get back the years inside the walls. It’s years without close contact with family and friends, years without freedom, and natural connection. For most of us it’s impossible to imagine that kind of situation, but we are many who stand united with his actions and we continue to claim that antifascism is self-defense. The least we can do, those who are on the other side of the walls, is to come together to pay the bills he has to pay in addition to his imprisonment.

These 40 000 kr (approx.. 4268 euro or 4697 USD) is a cost that Joel shouldn’t have to pay personally, but instead we take it as a collective, all of us who stand with Joel and the other antifascists who defended the popular demonstration on the square in Kärrtorp.

To contribute to this fundraising is a concrete way to show solidarity, but it’s also a symbolic act which shows that we are many who stands up against fascism together. The price of antifascist activism should never fall on individuals, instead we pay for it as a collective movement.

To donate from a non-swedish bank account:
IBAN: SE0680000832799438650120

/Antifascist Action Stockholm, Föreningen Fånggruppen