(Updated!) New arrests for antifascist demo of January 24th (Italy)

Source: Informa-Azione, InfoAut, Cremona Oggi

New phase in the aftermath of repression following the angry demo in Cremonaon January 24th 2015, a few days after the attack by members of the fascist organization Casapound to the CSA Dordoni’s comrades and the serious wounding of Emilio. For practices implemented during that event, four boys are still subjected to home arrest and mandatory residence.
On the morning of October 20th, after nine months by the events, a number of searches and precautionary measures hit the comrades residents in different parts of Italy.

Three arrests were made in Cremona, Milan and Palermo, while it is impossible to find comrade based in Brescia.
From the police headquarters, we know that the identification of one of those arrested has been help by the recovery of helmets and other material left to the end of the demo, through which the cops would have climbed back to the store and then to the buyer.
To spread the names of antifascists arrested expect to know the prisons in which they were imprisoned, although it has already been published in the local media.

At dawn this morning four comrades were arrested, living in the province of Cremona (one militant CSA Dordoni), one from Brescia (fugitive at the time), one of Palermo and one in Milan, with heavy charges, including destruction and looting (from 7 to 15 years of jail according to law) and external complicity (increased punishment) and connected directly to that day in which thousands of people have marked a profound incompatibility with the establishment of a fascist seat within the city area.

We got the adresses of the prisoners – please write to them to show solidarity!

Filippo Esposti
C.C. di Cremona
Via Palosca 2,
26100 Cremona

Kuljit Tawari
C.C. di Cremona
Via Palosca 2,
26100 Cremona

Giovanni Marco Codraro
C.C. Pagliarelli
Piazzale Pietro Cerulli 1,
90129 Palermo
Italia Italy

Occupied Ex-Telecom evicted in Bologna

Source: LaRepubblica, InfoAut – photos and videos

October 20th: this morning big police forces have blocked both sides of the former Telecom building in Via Fioravanti (Bologna) to proceed to the eviction of the structure occupied on December 4th 2014 and which gives home to many families (280 individuals) that they can not afford a house because of the crisis.

Immediately the resistance of the occupiers engages, who in about 150 climbed on the roof and from inciting the solidarity picket formed immediately to support the effort against an act of repression that makes good account of the misery of management of the housing geared to not solve problems but to continue to reproduce.

After about ten minutes the picket was charged by the police who want to prevent any kind of active solidarity to those who are leading the resistance on the roof.

During the charges a guy was wounded in the hand, probably broken as a result of the brutality of police intervention.

Update 14.15: Antiriot cops are wearing helmets in the Ex-Telecom and take away the children from the parents making the space with batons! A child with respiratory problems was taken away by ambulance, while meanwhile, continues to divide the other children from their mothers.

Update 15.30: Firefighters are entering into the Ex-Telecom with the aim of trying to achieve resistant in the roof! Men, women and children do not want to surrender… that is their home!

Update 16:15: During the eviction and there are reports of an occupant with the jaw split due to a kick from a cop, resistance continues in and out of the building. The network Eat The Rich has held a solidarity dinner directly in front of the picket at 8 pm tonight. This long day is also seeing the great protagonists of the occupants of Via Mario De Maria and Muri di Porta Galliera, participating from early morning.

Squat Atlantide evicted (Bologna)

Source: Zic.it, Infoaut.
More infos on AtlantideAtlantide Gigs, Atlantide R-esiste‘s statement regarding the immanent eviction.

At 6.00 a.m. the police evicted Atlantide. The ultimatum of the City Council then took the body, through the tanks that surrounded the space and then drag the weight off the comrades inside. The operation has put so (temporary) end to a path more than ten years of struggle on the issues of self-determination, under the banner of antisexism, antifascism and antiracism.

Particularly ridiculous was the operation of the masonry of the entrance of the keep of Porta Santo Stefano that housted Atlantide; certainly not a good business card than the desire to transfer to that place social services, according to official statements of the City Council. Rather there is the suspect that like so many times before, after the eviction will follow only the abandonment and dust.

Once the operation finished, activists of Atlantide along with many solidarity came to the area have created a demo. Here there were relaunched future appointments, from the press conference today at 12 until you get to the demo that will take tomorrow to inform the city what happened.

(Updated) 5 people in hunger strike against nuclear power plant (Finland) [en, it – fi, it]

Source: Hyökyaalto.net ; Takku.net ; Yle.fi



Puussa ollut henkilö on tänään otettu alas. Puun viereen raivattiin ja rakennettiin tie, jotta useat tehtävään tarvittavat ajoneuvot pääsivät puun lähelle. Yksi poliisi ja palomies aloittivat puun katkomisen latvasta. Samaan aikaan toinen pari lähestyi majaa alhaalta päin oksia karsien. Jonkin aikaa “orava ja näätäparvi” -leikki jatkui puussa, oksalla, majan alla, ylempänä, alempana kunnes lopulta kurren köydestä saatiin pitävä ote ja siirto kurottajaan vihdoin onnistui. Henkilö toimitettiin ambulanssilla nesteytykseen, mutta suht hyväkuntoisena hän on tänään pääsemässä jo vapaalle. Puun valtaus kesti 9 päivää ja osoitti, ettei kamppailu Fennovoiman järjetöntä hanketta vastaan ole laantunut. Toisin, kuin Fennovoiman tiedotteisiin nojaavassa uutisoinnissa väitetään, alue ei ole ydinvoimalatyömaa. Alueella ei ole edes virallista liikkumiskieltoa kuin aikaisintaan loppuvuodesta. Olemme iloisia, että toverimme on olosuhteisiin nähden hyvässä tilassa. Nälkälakot on nyt lopetettu.

Kiitämme kaikesta huomiosta ja tuesta!

The person in a tree hut is been taken down by the cops. The operation required cutting trees, building a new road, special unit of cops and fire department, 3 big vehicles, guards, and many hours. Finally the mop of pine martens caught the squirrel. Our comrade was taken into hospital to get liquid, but was already released this night. We are happy that the person is quite ok. All the hunger strikes ended this evening.

Thanks for all solidarity and attention!
On Tuesday September 15th the cops and security guards from local security company Arlia and G4S (they legally are able to stop people and give them to police) started to evict the activists from the land where Fennovoima has planned the construction site of the nuclear power plan in Hanhikivi Cape in Pyhäjoki. 4 arrests were made but people were released the day after. Updates from a treehouse (where a comrade is protesting) tell us that by 23:00 Wednesday the cops have not yet succeeded to empty the area, but the destruction is still in progress.

Activists of Hyökyaalto (Tsunami)network and from all over Finland, Sweden and other countries has been present in the protest camp since April.

Since Sep 15th an activist is on a treehouse on hunger strike to pretend the stop of Fennovoima’s Nuclear power plant project. He is still able to communicate thanks to a mobile phone. Police and security don’t let activists to come closer and to help the comrade. His name is Tomas Aakenus, for one week he had food to eat, but on Sunday it finished, so he decided to continue the protest by an hunger strike.

In Pyhäjoki (Hanhikivi Cape is part of administration of the city) 3 people have gone on hunger strike in front of Fennovoima’s office, 1 more also in Helsinki, present in Occupied Porthania (University of Helsinki) on Monday 21th.

Hyökyaalto network inform that is worried about the health of Tomas, due to a previously fever he had and now he has difficulty in absorbing liquids: “Everyone knows the circumstances, if you have wet clothes on a tree for weeks, including three days without eating. So, yes, he begins to be in poor condition.”

Activists claim responsibility of Tomas’s health and safety to the nuclear power company: “These then will be to sort out, if necessary, in court. We believe that the responsibility is of Fennovoima. Which is the bigger criminal: an illegal demonstration or other life-endangering?”

Martedí 15 Settembre gli sbirri e le vigilanti/guardie di sicurezza delle compagnie di sorveglianza Arlia e G4S (hanno il diritto di fermare le persone e consegnarle alla polizia) hanno iniziato lo sgombero degli attivisti dalle terre dove Fennovoima ha pianificato i cantieri della nuova centrale nucleare nel Capo di Hanhikivi a Pyhäjoki. 4 arresti sono avvenuti ma le persone sono state rilasciate il giorno dopo. Aggiornamenti dalla casa sull’albero (dove c’é un compagno) dicono che alle 23:00 di Venerdí gli sbirri non hanno completato lo sgombero dell’intera area, ma la distruzione continua.

Gli attivisti della rete Hyökyaalto (Tsunami) e da tutta la Finlandia, Svezia e altri paesi sono stati presenti nel campeggio di protesta da Aprile.

Dal 15 Settembre un attivista sull’albero é in sciopero della fame per pretendere lo stop al progetto della centrale della Fennovoima. É ancora in grado dicomunicare grazie ad un cellulare. Polizia e vigilanti non permettono agli attivisti di avvicinarsi ed aiutare il compagno. Il suo nome é Tomas Aakenus, per una settimana ha avuto cibo da mangiare, ma Domenica ha finito le provviste, quindi ha deciso di continuare la protesta con uno sciopero della fame.

A Pyhäjoki (il Capo di Hanhikivi é parte dell’amministrazione della cittá) 3 attivisti sono entrati anch’essi in sciopero della fame di fronte aggli uffici di Fennovoima, un altro compagno in piú ad Helsinki, presente nell’Occupazione di Porthania (Universitá di Helsinki) da Lunedí 21.

La rete Hyökyaalto informa che é preoccupata della salute di Tomas, vista la precedente febbre che ha avuto e la presente difficoltá di assorbire liquidi: “Tutti conosciamo le circostanze, se hai vestiti umidi su un albero per settimane, e la fame da giorni. Quindi, sí, lui ha iniziato ad essere in condizioni gravi.”

Gli attivists danno la responsibilitá della salute di Tomas’s alla compagnia nucleare: “Se sará necessario, risolveremo questo caso anche in tribunale. Noi crediamo che la responsibilitá sia di Fennovoima. Cos’é piú criminale: un manifestante illegale o il rischio di vita?”

Comrades in hunger strike in front of Fennovoima’s offices / Compagn* in sciopero della fame davanti agli uffici di Fennovoima:

Police evicts action camp in Pyhäjoki and Squat Venetsia in Helsinki

Source: Takku.net


On Tuesday September 15 the cops and security guards from local security company Arlia and G4S started to evict the protesters on Fennovoima´s planned nuclear construction site on Hanhikivi Cape in Pyhäjoki. 4 arrests where made but people where released the day after. Updates from a treehouse tell us that by 11 o´clock Wednesday evening the cops have not yet succeeded to empty the area, but the destruction is in progress.

Eviction of Squat Venetsia

On the same day that the eviction in Pyhäjoki started, Squat Venetsia in Helsinki showed solidarity with the occupation in Pyhäjoki. The day after, on wednesday, Venetsia was evicted.

Squat Venetsia had been planning solidarity events for the Pyhäjoki occupation and was also going to play an important role in housing people during the major strikes, protests and anti-government activities planned in Finland on friday.

The resistance on Hanhikivi Cape, Pyhäjoki

The protest camp, which has been around since April, is now moved to a different location in the remaining forest. The diverse activities that has taken place in Hanhikivi Cape – ranging from blockades, occupied trees and acts of sabotage- have significantly delayed Fennovoima´s plans to start the construction of the nuclear power plant together with energy company Fortum and Rosatom – Russian state owned company that specialises in the manufacturing of nuclear arms. Since the start of the occupation the situation on Hanhikivi cape has become more and more oppressive. A couple of weeks ago guards from the security company Arlia entered the camp in the night, armed with knives. A person was dragged away by the hair and two occupants were arrested by the police.

Both the camp on Hanhikivi Cape and Squat Venetsia – as part of the finnish squatting scene – have lately played important roles in spreading autonomous culture of active resistance and direct action against state and capital, in Finland. It is no coincidence they have been targeted now, on the verge of the protests taking place on Friday.

Occupied Universtiy of Helsinki’s press release [fi, en, se]

Source: Yliopistovaltaus, Angry Students on FB


Helsingin yliopiston Porthania-rakennus on vallattu, koska me valtaajat olemme kyllästyneet koulutuksen leikkauksiin ja tutkimuksen jatkuvaan alasajoon ja henkilökunnan sortoon. Valtaus on puoluepoliittisesti sitoutumaton, jonne kaikki koulutusleikkauksia tai kurjistamispolitiikkaa vastustavat ovat tervetulleita. Vaadimme leikkauspolitiikan sijaan: laadukasta tutkimusta, opetusta ja opiskelua. Näitä ei synny ihmisten arkea kurjistamalla, tutkimusrahoitusta näivettämällä ja työpaikkoja lakkauttamalla.

Sinulla on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa osallistumalla valtaukseen. Sivistystä ei voida taata yksityisellä rahoituksella, opetusta heikentämällä ja opiskelijoilta leikkaamalla. Me valtaajat emme halua palata menneisyyteen, vaan löytää ratkaisuja, missä opiskelijoilla ja henkilökunnalla on mahdollisuus parantaa suomalaista sivistystä ja koulutuskulttuuria. Valtaus on tuen osoitus kaikille, jotka kärsivät hallituksen leikkauspolitiikasta.

MITÄ? Porthanian valtaus: kokouksia, työpajoja ja muuta ohjelmaa
MISSÄ? Helsingin yliopisto, Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3
MILLOIN? NYT! Tällä hetkellä Porthania on vallattu tiistaihin 22.9. asti, jolloin järjestetään suuri yleiskokous klo 12.00, missä päätämme jatkosta.


Helsinki university’s Porthania building has been occupied because we occupiers are sick of the government’s cuts, the downgrading of research facilities and oppression of personnel. The occupation is politically unallied and all those who oppose the cuts to education or the governement’s stranglehold on the people are welcome. We demand high quality research and teaching. These cannot be achieved by cutting jobs, making everyday life of people harder due to cuts or by cutting research and its funding.

Here is your chance to influence current events by taking part in the occupation! Wide-ranging general education cannot be guaranteed by cutting from the students, weakening teaching or by private funding. We the occupiers do not wish to return to the past; we seek options for students and staff to improve Finnish education. The occupation is our way of showing support to all those who suffer from current austerity policy.

WHAT? Occupation of Porthania Building; meetings, workshops and entertainment
WHERE? Helsinki university, Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3
WHEN? Now! At this very moment Porthania is being occupied until Tuesday 22.9. after which a general assembly meeting will be held and we will decide about what follows.


Porthania vid Helsingfors Universitet har ockuperats, eftersom vi är trötta på nedskärningar inom utbildning och forskning samt förtryck av personal. Ockupationen är partipolitiskt obunden, alla som motsätter sig nedskärningarna och sparpolitiken är välkomna. Istället för nedskärningarna kräver vi: forskning, undervisning och studier av hög kvalitet. Dessa nås inte genom att försvåra människors vardag, strypa forskningsfinansiering eller säga upp arbetsplatser.

Du har möjligheten att påverka genom att delta i ockupationen. Bildning kan inte garanteras genom privat finansiering, försvagning av undervisning eller genom att ta från de studerande. Vi vill inte gå tillbaka i tiden, vi vill hitta lösningar där studenter och personal har möjlighet att förbättra finsk bildning och utbildningskultur. Ockupationen är ett sätt att visa stöd till alla som lider av regeringens nedskärningspolitik.

VAD? Ocukpationen av Porthania: möten, workshops och annat program
VAR? Helsingfors Universitet. Porthania, Universitetsgatan 3
NÄR? NU! För tillfället är Porthania ockuperat tills tisdag 22.9 då det allmänna mötet klockan 12.00 bestämmer om fortsättning.

Statement from Student Occupation at Helsinki University

Source: Revolutionary news and Yliopistovaltaus, Angry Students on FB

People fed up with the constant rundown of education and research have occupied the University of Helsinki, Porthania building today. This politically independent occupation is a message from within the university community against austerity politics. At the same time, it is an entry into a broader front against cuts and a show of solidarity with Friday’s union action. The occupation joins us as part of an international university movement that opposes austerity politics and the shift towards market-oriented education.

The unprecedented education cuts, made under the guise of austerity, will drastically undermine universities’ position in society and their role as a pillar of civilization. The announced massive employee cooperation negotiations will be impossible to carry out without destroying the level of research and teaching. The occupiers of Porthania call into question the replacement of decreased state funding with increased commercial cooperation.

The occupiers of Porthania demand the rejection of empty talk about changes and development. Talk of change does not mean anything in itself. The occupiers are not longing for a time gone by, but want to express what kind of change they want to see at the university and in the society. Their message is absolute: quality research, teaching and studying cannot be generated by making everyday life miserable, desiccating research funding or reducing jobs.
Image credit NYT.FI

Image credit NYT.FI

The university community has already suffered from constant funding cuts, structural reforms, staff reductions and curricular reforms during the term of the previous government. These reforms and changes are part of a constant spiral of reforming and developing that has not lead to the improvement of research, studies or the university community. The most distinct change to the societal position of the university was the Universities Act of 2009, which has enabled the centralization of power from the university community to university management and the board. University management at the University of Helsinki has shown an uncritical public response to education cuts. This is unacceptable. Therefore, the people of the university are taking over their own spaces to demonstrate that the autonomy of universities is not for sale.

The occupiers announce that they have had enough. The participants of the occupation invite everyone who opposes education cuts to join the occupation and show their support to the demonstration.

Follow the group Angry Students on Twitter and Facebook
Students are using the hastag #yliopistovaltaus

S 12th: New attack to TAV working site in Chiomonte (Italy)

Source: Notav.info

On September 12th just after midnight a group of No TAV has brought a new attack on the construction site of the geognostic tunnel. Fireworks were thrown over fences. Another group of activists instead closed with chains and locks the gates to prevent the police to leave. From the first news coming we know that 9 No TAVs are stopped. We communicate now that they are all well and have now been released. After some initial entrainment and jerks, as for the eight arrested last Saturday, they were brought by the police inside the building site to be identified. From here on, however, came the first problems for “security workers”. After an initial joy to have completed another major operation some the figures don’t add up. This time the “arrested” are all over 60 (y/o) with some peaks that reach 80. Instead, young No TAVs Venaus awaiting news and wake up the parents and lawyers in the middle of the night. After some consultations, possibly involving the prosecutor’s office of Turin police have thus chosen to release all the detainees, although the action was identical to that which led to the arrest last Saturday of eight young No TAV. Too inconvenient politically the arrest of an elderly person? Or too uncomfortable to admit that even older people can do some nine kilometers of trails, cover theirselves, throwing what they want within the yard and be stopped just because of their own choosing not to flee? We will never know the truth but to both our questions we answer “yes”, it is inconvenient to show that in the Val di Susa everybody resists and that all the money, millions of Euros now, expended in security infrastructure (thousands of meters of fencing) and police are useless.

After tonight we can say for sure, everyone can participate in the resistance No TAV! To prevent a huge waste of public money. To prevent the devastation of an entire territory. To allocate this wealth or these efforts toward those who really need it. Useful infrastructure such as schools to safety hydrogeological to reach the tens of thousands of migrants who arrive every day with difficulty in Europe.

6 arrests in Turin for the march against racist party’s leader

Source: Infoaut

Yesterday in the late morning a police operation kicked off in Turin, leading to the arrest of 6 comrades of the Askatasuna social centre. The charges refer to the march last March 28 during the speech by Northern League secretary Matteo Salvini. In those months that fascist-leagueist character was crossing the squares of several Italian cities, attempting to rally consensus around racist and xenophobic discourses, which were functional to maintain his own privileges of politician and to address discontent to the bottom rather than against the true responsibles.

In Turin, as it happened in many other cities with the #MaiConSalvini [Never with Salvini, a play of words on the opposite #NoiConSalvini – us with Salvini – slogan (TN)] slogan, a city march in order to reject the presence of Salvini and his leagueist and neofascist entourage was called in the week before the speech. The demonstration of students, precarious workers and migrants was violently charged a few meters after its start while it was trying to reach piazza Solferino, the place of the speech. During the charge 8 people were detained and then released in the evening with charges without arrest – with the exception of Daniele, a young antifascist Turinese student, that was brought to jail and then moved to house arrests for some months.

Five months after that day, further arrests decided together by the Police Department and the Judiciary arrive: two comrades – Francesca and Donato – were brought to the Vallette jail, while 4 others – Mattia, Damiano, Nicola and Luca – are under house arrests with restrictions on visits and communication. While, precisely in these days, the debate among European governments is divided between the explicit racism of some of them and the opportunist offers of “shelter” of others, in Turin were hit those who, in these months, were determined to oppose and take away spaces and visibility to people such as Matteo Salvini, who build their image and career thanks to securitarian and racist rethorics.

The thieving League Turin won’t forgive!

Immediate freedom for Cecca, Donato, Mattia, Damiano, Luca and Nicola!

Tutti liberi, tutte libere!

8 arrests in the night action against the TAV construction site (Italy)

Source: Notav.info


It’s a news of this morning: the 8 arrested in recent days will leave the prison this afternoon. Clearly, they will not be entirely free, between house arrests and mandatory residence, but will be out of those windows with bars that have already seen too many notav locked.

The magistrate Ambra Cerabon has apparently rejected the usual doped accusations of public prosecutor with the helmet, Marco Gianoglio and Antonio Rinaudo who were quick to insert various counts of indictment. Unlike other times, the investigating judge has not fully embraced the thesis of the prosecution that in recent years has made the use of preventive detention, a ritual well abused that has always found full cooperation in other magistrate.

We look forward to their release from prison and confirm the torchlight demo this evening at 20.30 in Bussoleno.

Last night a large group of No TAV tried to go closer the site of the Clarea Vally. During the initiative a police unit was able to split the group into two parts, one of which was no longer able to walk away. Those arrested are eight including one high school student in Turin, which was taken to the youth detention center in Turin. 4 others are university students from Turin, another comrade of the social center Askatasuna and two No Tav comrades from Bologna.
These arrests do not intimidate us and will not stop our struggle which is made up of many moments, including night initiatives and actions against the site that destroys and kills our land and the future of all.
Confirmed garrison in front of the Vallette prison (Turin).
By Wednesday evening we will organize a torchlight demo of solidarity in Bussoleno town.