Anti-fascists arrested in Rome in a counter-demo (Italy)

Source: Radio Onda d’Urto

Violent clashes between police and fascists (on the same side) and the anti-fascists in Rome, Saturday afternoon 5th November, during an anti-fascist mobilization organized in the Magliana neighborhood of Rome.

Antifascists of the city, including comrades of the social center Macchia Rossa, had gathered at 15.30 in the streets to protest against the demo of Forza Nuova (neo-fascist party) in the neighborhood, which was prohibited by the police, to claim anti-immigration policies (after the rise of racist citizens against refugees).

Also in the Magliana neighborhood, a few weeks ago, as well CasaPound (now a neo-fascist party, former social movement) opened an office, which is also looking to speculate on the economic crisis and the difficulties in the popular area of the capital with anti-immigration rhetoric.

The police aligned to protect the demo of Forza Nuova, shot tear gas to the anti-fascist demo, then charged the demo, that was not able to protect itself due to the brutal violence of the police, and started a real manhunt in the streets, riot cops and political police were searching the comrades in bars and shops too.
Around 30/40 comrades got in custody, 10 of them finally arrested. Meanwhile, some fascists irrupted in the social center.

In the same day in another city of Italy, Pavia, the police charged and injured antifascists who gathered with ANPI against a “fascist march” called by CasaPound to remember Emanuele Zilli, fascist activist who died in 1973.

Not only all the shades of left-wing of the city gathered against the fascists, but even the city’s mayor, Massimo DePaoli, attended to the protest.
Despite the position of the City Council, the police have align openly to protect the handful of fascists came to the city from other locations (especially from Milan, it seems) since the beginning. The march of the fascists went trought the streets in the city center.

In Florence a determined bloc has resisted the police charges, who wanted to prevent the demonstration. The Democratic Party gave a speech in favor of the positive result of the referendum and its policies, responsible for the current situation of precariousness and poverty in Italy, as well as the repression that all the movements and the people in this country, trying to raise their heads, are suffering.

It is unacceptable the fact of denying the right to demonstrate. It is unacceptable the destruction of the welfare state implemented by the Renzi Cabinet. It is unacceptable the dismantling of workers’ rights and the growing precariousness. The miserable condition that the Italian schools are, not to mention the pitiful school reform and the privatization of public health.
It is unacceptable that the masters of the Democratic Party militarize a city, to decide how to exploit millions of people.


Patryk Cichoń, Antifascist Comrade Facing Extradition [en, it]

Sources/Fonte: Brighton ABC, Torpedos Roma



At the beginning of May 2016 our comrade Patryk Cichoń from Poland was arrested by British police under an European Arrest Warrant. Patryk is a well known anti-fascist militant notorious among nazi-bonehead scum in his city for his uncompromising stance against them in the past. Boneheads managed to convince a few of their friends to testify against Patryk and his friend for alleged assault and robbery. As it appeared later, his friend had very good alibi and had the charges dropped (despite being allegedly recognised by the “victim” and his friends), so Patryk ended up being sentenced on his own. The whole trial was an absolute travesty and Patryk as a poor, young working class person was not able to afford a proper defence. He spent two months on remand in 2004 and was sentenced to three years in prison.
It is clear that this whole case was politically motivated and had only one purpose, which was to get rid of the core of the anti-fascist resistance in Patryk’s home town.
Rather than doing prison time, he decided to escape abroad and came to UK in 2005. He started his new life there, continuing to be involved in anti-fascist activity: organising gigs in London, including United and Strong Fest which has seen lots of great Antifa bands from all over Europe performing, and raising money for antifascist initiatives. He was also the editor of the ‘Skinhead Revolt‘ fanzine, which was the first left wing skinhead publication in Polish.
After his arrest, he spent 9 days behind bars and was then was released under strict bail conditions, including a curfew and an electronic tag. On June 24 he has to attend another hearing that will most likely decide upon his extradition. Patryk is fighting against being sent back to Poland as he has a family in the UK, including his partner and an 8-year-old son.
He currently needs all the solidarity we can offer. He has already spent his savings on legal defence and will need more money to continue, but in the meantime his family also needs supporting.
Patryk was always there if others needed help and assistance, please make sure he is not left on his own now.
Fundraising is organised by Brighton Anarchist Black Cross. You can pay money to our paypal address:
thebottledwasp @ riseup . net (please choose “payment to a friend” option and add a note saying “for Patryk”)
or to our bank account:
Nationwide Acc.
no./Reference: 0321 / 704131186

[NB: The sender will need to quote this account number in the additional reference section on their payment instruction]
IBAN: GB97NAIA07009333333334



All’inizio di Maggio 2016 il compagno polacco Patryk Cichoń è stato arrestato dalla polizia britannica sotto mandato di arresto europeo.
Patryk è un antifascista e anarchico, membro della R.A.S.H polacca, molto noto tra la feccia nazista dei boneheads della sua città per la sua posizione intransigente nei loro confronti. Un po di anni fa gli stessi naziskin riuscirono a convincere alcune persone a testimoniare (il falso) contro Patryk ed un suo amico per una presunta aggressione e rapina. Durante il processo emerse che il suo amico aveva un buon alibi e fu assolto mentre Patryk fu condannato. Le varie testimonianze e prove durante il processo furono travisate e Patryk, essendo un giovane della classe operaia, non pote’ permettersi un’adeguata difesa. Trascorse 2 mesi in attesa del giudizio e nel 2004 fu condannato in Polonia a 3 anni di carcere.
E’ chiaro che tutto questo caso era politicamente motivato e aveva un unico scopo, quello di sbarazzarsi del movimento antifascista di Stalowa Wola, città natale di Patryk.
Nel 2005 Patryk, decise di scappare in Gran Bretagna per non scontare la condanna. Qui intraprese una nuova vita ma continuò a credere fortemente nelle sue idee e a militare nel movimento antifascista londinese. Lo stesso Patryk organizzò una serie di iniziative e concerti benefit a Londra per il movimento antifascista, tra cui lo UNITED AND STRONG FEST concerto in ricordo di Davide Cesare “Dax” , un raduno che vide l’esibizione delle più grandi band Oi! di tutta Europa tra cui i Brigada Flores Magon, gli Oppressed, gli Stage Bottles, i Non Servium, gli S-Contro, i Blaggers Ita, i Bull Brigade e i Bomber 80. Patryk è stato anche l’autore della Skinhead Revolt, prima fanzine antifascista del movimento redskin polacco.
Recentemente è stato arrestato e dopo essere stato 9 giorni dietro le sbarre è stato rilasciato con rigorosissime condizioni di cauzione come il coprifuoco e la targhetta elettronica. Il 24 giugno deve partecipare ad un altro processo in cui molto probabilmente i giudici chiederanno la sua estradizione. Patryk è perseguitato perchè antifascista! Ha bisogno di tutta la nostra solidarietà! Ha speso tutti i suoi risparmi per difendersi legalmente e ha bisogno di più soldi per poter continuare la sua difesa, e per badare alle sue esigenze familiari.
Se qualcuno aveva bisogno di aiuto, Patryk era sempre lì. Adesso non lasciamolo solo!
La raccolta fondi per aiutare Patryk è stata organizzata dalla Croce Nera Anarchica di Brighton. È possibile versare un contributo all’indirizzo PayPal:
thebottledwasp @ riseup . net (si prega di scegliere l’opzione “pagamento ad un amico” e aggiungere una nota scrivendo “for Patryk”) o sul conto bancario:
Nationwide Acc.
no./Reference: 0321/704131186

(Anche qui il mittente dovrà citare questo numero di conto nella sezione di riferimento aggiuntivo al pagamento)
IBAN: GB97NAIA07009333333334

13 anti-fascists sentenced to prison – We’ll take the hit together (Stockholm)

Source: Antifascist action Stockholm, Sweden

Sentenc of 13 anti fascists participating in the protests against the now defunct Swede’s Party in September 2014.

Most of the sentences handed out is relating to participation in a riot, an event the prosecution claimed to be two separate ones as, according to them, the situation calmed down between the disturbances. This allows them to prosecute twice for the same accusation and therefore plead for longer sentences and steeper fines.

About 12 000 people found themselves in Kungsträdgården, central of Stockholm, during the protest two weeks before the Swedish Election. When the Police made attempts to disperse the crowd by spraying pepper spray and attacking protesters with truncheons, many decided to stay put and push back the attempts. Amongst the thousands of anti-racists in the area, a great number participated in one way or another in what the court claims to be riots. Out of these people, 15 were prosecuted and 13 sentenced to prison time.

By the preliminary investigation, it is clear that the Swedish Secret Police (SÄPO) has provided information on who, according to them, is an active anti-fascist. SÄPO cooperating with the prosecution in pinpointing a small number of people out of a very big mass can not be seen as anything else than a political stance. They seized the opportunity to lock up and guilt anti-fascists inconvenient to them, even though a large number of people participated in the protests in the same way as the sentenced.

Eight people were given 4 months of prison, two got 10 months and the remaining three were sentenced to 3, 8 and 18 months each. Two people were acquitted. On top of the prison time, the sentenced will also have to pay a large amount of fines to officers who, although being covered head to toe in protective gear, claims to have gained multiple injuries whilst attacking the crowd with the said intention of dispersing it. The total amount of fines adds up to about €38 000/£27 000, although it is currently not clear whether appeals will be made from either sides.

A notable coincidence is that the day of the sentencing, the 17th of November 2015, marks the 100th anniversary of Joe Hill’s execution. Then, as now, progressive class struggle was coupled with risk of tougher sentences if you were active and organised in working towards radical change. Then, as now, the solution was never to mourn when repression hit us, but to organise resistance and solidarity. We cannot equally share the prison time given out, but we can do so with the fines. That is why we yet again are launching a solidarity fund and encourage everyone to reach in to their pockets according to means.

To donate from a non-swedish bank account:
IBAN: SE0680000832799438650120
Bic: SWEDSESS Mark your donation with “BOTER”

All belarus official political prisoners has been released!

Source: ABC Belarus

On 22nd August president Lukashenko has signed papers to release all the political prisoners, including our comrades Ihar, Mikalai and Artsiom as well as the nationalist Jauhen Vas’kovich.

This release comes after 5 years that they had to spend in prison. All the time prisoners were subject to psychological and physical torture. Numerous days were spent in solitary confinement as a punishment for struggle aginst the prison oppression.

We are glad to meet our comrades and see them in good spirits! They are now together with their families and friends. They will be under constant police control for next 5 years.

With this happening we would like to thank everyone who was helping ABC-Belarus all these years. We enjoyed incredible support of communities all around the world and through this we manage to create a really encouraging atmosphere of solidarity. Thank you very much!

Though these people are free, there are still several comrades who are in prisons in Belarus. They also need your support.

Till all are free.

Artyom Prokopenko

Nikolaj Dedok

Igor Alinevich

После 5 лет заключения в беларуских колониях и тюрьмах трое анархистов — Игорь Олиневич, Николай Дедок и Артем Прокопенко — смогут заснуть в нормальных человеческих кроватях. Помимо анархистов Лукашенко выпустил и остальных официальных политических заключенных, в том числе и Евгения Васьковича.

Для нас стало удивлением, как и для всех остальных, когда на новостных сайтах начала появляться информациz о том, что Лукашенко подписал указ об освобождении наших товарищей.
Тем не менее ребята вышли из колоний. Родственники и друзья о неожиданной свободе узнали уже постфактум. Приходилось узнавать, кто где. К примеру, ситуация с Игорем Олиневичем до сих пор неясна: администрация колонии никакой информации об освобождении не дала, Игорь приехал в Минск на автобусе, но родители встретить его не смогли. В конце концов, Игорь просто пришел обратно домой.
Так произошло со всеми заключенными — им пришлось выпрашивать у людей телефон, чтобы сообщить родственникам о том, что их выпустили и когда и куда они прибывают.
Хотя в тюрьмах остаются другие наши товарищи, сегодня мы отмечаем этот славный день и хотим поздавить всех, кто вышел на свободу, а в особенности Николая Дедка, Игоря Олиневича и Артема Прокопенко — они стали примером стойкости перед беларускими властями. Поздравляем мы и всех тех, кто все эти годы поддерживал ребят и не словами, а делом доказывал важность солидарности.
Сегодня мы отмечаем, а завтра борьба продолжается.

Пока все не будут свободны

Antifascist is sentenced to 6 years (Belarus) [en, ru/рy]

Source: ABC Belarus

Vlad Lenko is an anti-fascist from Ivatsevichy (Belarus). On December 27, 2014 he was arrested for a fight with neo-nazis, which occurred on the 23rd of December of the same year. He is charged under Art. 339.2 (hooliganism of the group of people) and 147.2 (causing grievous bodily harm). The court sentenced Vlad to a six-year period of imprisonment in a maximum security colony. It is necessary to collect a large sum to appeal the verdict, as well as to pay the victim a compensation ordered by a court in the amount of 1000 euro. There is the hope to reduce the period by half. Please, everyone, do not stay on the sidelines, help our mate in a difficult moment, only together we can help him. Also Vlad needs moral support, and later we’ll publish a postal address of the correctional institution.

Fundraising WebMoney:
$ Z418615316084
€ E146518161935


Влад Ленько — антифашист из Ивацевичей. 27 декабря 2014 года был задержан за драку с неонацистами, которая произошла 23 декабря того же года. Обвиняется по ст. 339.2 (хулиганство группой лиц) и 147.2 (причинение тяжких телесных повреждений).
Суд приговорил Влада к 6 годам колонии усиленного режима.
Нужно собрать крупную сумму, чтобы обжаловать приговор, а также выплатить потерпевшему, назначенную судом компенсацию, в размере 20 млн. бел. рублей. Есть надежда уменьшить срок вдвое.
Просим всех, не оставайтесь в стороне, помогите товарищу в трудную минуту, только вместе мы сможем помочь. Владу необходима и моральная поддержка — позже будет опубликован почтовый адрес исправительного учреждения.

Сбор средств:

Реквизиты карты Беларусбанка: 9112 0000 9431 4883.
Срок действия:10\17

Электронный кошелек WebMoney:
$ Z418615316084
€ E146518161935

Источник (BК)

Tough sentences announced to antifascists (Brest) [en, ru/рy]

Source: ABC Belarus

A verdict was delivered today in the case of Brest antifascists acused of participation in a group fight with neonazis which happened on May 8, 2013.

Antifascists were tried under the art. 339.3 (malicious group hooliganism) and 147.2 (malicious bodily harm). The case was qualified as malicious due to the fact of pepper spray usage in the fight.

Dzmitry Stsyashenka got 5 years of penal colony with reinforced regime (339.3) and 500 euro of damages to be paid to the injured nazis.

Roman Bogdan got 8 years of penal colony with reinforced regime (339.3, 147.2) and 3500 euro of damages to be paid to the injured nazis.

One more antifascist (full name unknown) got 5 years of penal colony with reinforced regime (339.3) and 500 euro of damages to be paid to the injured nazis.

It should be pointed out that in 2014 Dzmitry Zvan’ko was sentenced to 5 years of prison for the same account. Dzmitry Stsyashenka is serving another sentence of 4 years at the moment.


Сегодня был вынесен приговор по делу брестских антифашистов, которые обвинялись в участии в драке с неонацистами, состоявшейся 8 мая 2013 года.

Антифашистов судили по ст. 339.3 (злостное хулиганство группой лиц) и 147.2 (нанесение тяжких телесных повреждений). Дело было квалифицировано как злостное хулиганство использование перцового баллона в драке.

Дмитрий Стешенк
о приговорен к 5 годам лишения свободы в колонии усиленного режима (ст. 339.3) и выплате иска потерпевшим в размере 10 млн. рублей.

Роман Богдан приговорен к 8 годам лишения свободы в колонии усиленного режима (ст. 339.3 и ст. 147.2 ) и выплате иска потерпевшим в размере 70 млн. рублей.

Еще один антифашист (полное имя неизвестно) был приговорен к 5 годам лишения свободы в колонии усиленного режима (ст. 339.3) и выплате иска потерпевшим в размере 10 млн. рублей.

Напомним, в 2014 году по этому делу был осужден Дмитрий Званько на 5 лет лишения свободы. Дмитрий Стешенко на данный момент отбывает наказание по другому эпизоду.

AFA Stockholm: Joel is doing the time – We will pay his fine!

Source: Antifascistisk Aktion

Joel was one of the antifascists who chose to defend the anti-racist demonstration in Kärrtorp when it was attacked by fascists. He acted in self-defense but was sentenced to a 5,5 year long imprisonment in Svea Court for attempted manslaughter.

Today Joel is active within Fånggruppen and tries to make the best of the situation by building a network with other political prisoners and spread knowledge about prison struggle and solidarity work even to us who still have our freedom intact. The work he performs is important, but he will never get back the years inside the walls. It’s years without close contact with family and friends, years without freedom, and natural connection. For most of us it’s impossible to imagine that kind of situation, but we are many who stand united with his actions and we continue to claim that antifascism is self-defense. The least we can do, those who are on the other side of the walls, is to come together to pay the bills he has to pay in addition to his imprisonment.

These 40 000 kr (approx.. 4268 euro or 4697 USD) is a cost that Joel shouldn’t have to pay personally, but instead we take it as a collective, all of us who stand with Joel and the other antifascists who defended the popular demonstration on the square in Kärrtorp.

To contribute to this fundraising is a concrete way to show solidarity, but it’s also a symbolic act which shows that we are many who stands up against fascism together. The price of antifascist activism should never fall on individuals, instead we pay for it as a collective movement.

To donate from a non-swedish bank account:
IBAN: SE0680000832799438650120

/Antifascist Action Stockholm, Föreningen Fånggruppen

(Updated!) New arrests for antifascist demo of January 24th (Italy)

Source: Informa-Azione, InfoAut, Cremona Oggi

New phase in the aftermath of repression following the angry demo in Cremonaon January 24th 2015, a few days after the attack by members of the fascist organization Casapound to the CSA Dordoni’s comrades and the serious wounding of Emilio. For practices implemented during that event, four boys are still subjected to home arrest and mandatory residence.
On the morning of October 20th, after nine months by the events, a number of searches and precautionary measures hit the comrades residents in different parts of Italy.

Three arrests were made in Cremona, Milan and Palermo, while it is impossible to find comrade based in Brescia.
From the police headquarters, we know that the identification of one of those arrested has been help by the recovery of helmets and other material left to the end of the demo, through which the cops would have climbed back to the store and then to the buyer.
To spread the names of antifascists arrested expect to know the prisons in which they were imprisoned, although it has already been published in the local media.

At dawn this morning four comrades were arrested, living in the province of Cremona (one militant CSA Dordoni), one from Brescia (fugitive at the time), one of Palermo and one in Milan, with heavy charges, including destruction and looting (from 7 to 15 years of jail according to law) and external complicity (increased punishment) and connected directly to that day in which thousands of people have marked a profound incompatibility with the establishment of a fascist seat within the city area.

We got the adresses of the prisoners – please write to them to show solidarity!

Filippo Esposti
C.C. di Cremona
Via Palosca 2,
26100 Cremona

Kuljit Tawari
C.C. di Cremona
Via Palosca 2,
26100 Cremona

Giovanni Marco Codraro
C.C. Pagliarelli
Piazzale Pietro Cerulli 1,
90129 Palermo
Italia Italy